
Friday, 21 May 2010

Gates galore

Numerous like sand in the desert are the different scandals that have been shaking the global warming establishment the past year. A very clever person came up with attaching the suffix "-gate" to each one of these outrageousities, in rembemberance of the Watergate scandal when Nixon (famous for his enviromentalist inclinations) broke into the Republican headquarters.

The current avalanche of gates started with Climate-gate, and then it went on from there, like a card-house falling apart when you torch it with napalm. Woossh! For your benefit, I have compiled the most comprehensive list of Climate gates on the Internet. It includes past, present and future gates.
Remember that one single gate was enough to end the presidency of Nixon. Then imagine the unstoppable force of the more than 150 gates (including sub-gates) I have listed here. I even add more of them as I write this. Anybody who sees this list must think: "Oh boy, how may gates! Global warming cannot be true!" If enough people read this list, we will win the war against climate science! Then we will be the consensus! It is simple blog science logic.
Hannibal ante portas!

  1. Africa-gate

  2. Alaska-gate

  3. An Inconventient Truth-gate

  4. Amazon-gate

  5. America-gate

  6. Antarctic-fortress-gate

  7. Antarctic sea-gate

  8. Asia-gate

  9. Asphalt-gate

  10. Australia-gate

  11. Bangladesh-gate

  12. Barbecue-gate

  13. Bedwetting-gate

  14. Big butt Gore-gate

  15. Bondage-gate

  16. Boot-cleaning manual-gate

  17. Bill-gates (Ha ha ha, this is only a joke. And a precaution.)

  18. Blubber-gate

  19. Bull-gate

  20. Censorship-gate

  21. Centaur-gate

  22. China-gate

  23. Chicken-gate

  24. Climate Camp-gate

  25. Climate-gate, with sub-gates:

    1. Trick-gate

    2. Hide the decline-gate

    3. Travesty-gate

    4. Harry-gate

    5. Harry's brother-gate

    6. Harry's sister-gate

    7. Harry's wife-gate

    8. Harry's wife's lover-gate

    9. Fudge-gate

    10. Chocolate-gate

    11. Beer-gate

    12. Evil idol-gate

    13. Missing emails-gate

    14. Smoke-gate

  26. Cow-gate

  27. Crack cocaine for paleoclimatologists-gate

  28. CRU data deletion-gate

  29. CRU human sacrifice-gate

  30. Crumbs in the bed-gate

  31. Death star defense-gate

  32. Dinosaur-gate

  33. Dirty underwear-gate

  34. Dog-ate it-gate

  35. Dog peed on carpet-gate

  36. Discernable influence-gate

  37. Drought-gate

  38. Duck-gate

  39. Dutch-gate

  40. Europe-gate

  41. Fat Gore-gate

  42. Five-star WWF-gate

  43. Finland-gate

  44. Flooded house-gate

  45. FOI-gate

  46. Football-gate

  47. Fraud-gate

  48. Fungus-gate

  49. Gatekeeping-gate

  50. GISS Metar-gate

  51. Gol-gate

  52. Gore refuses to debate Monckton-gate

  53. Gore is fat-gate

  54. Gore private jet-gate

  55. Gore weighs a lot-gate

  56. Godzilla-gate

  57. Golden gate-gate

  58. Golf club-gate

  59. Greenpeace-gate

  60. Greens too yellow to admit they are red-gate

  61. Hamster-gate

  62. Hansen 1930s hot-gate and 1988 hearings

  63. Herring-gate

  64. Himalayas-gate

  65. Hitler Jugend(jewish)-gate

  66. Hockey-stick-gate

  67. Hole in my bucket-gate

  68. Holland-gate

  69. Holy cow-gate

  70. Horror fish-gate

  71. Horse-head-gate

  72. Hurricane-gate

  73. ICCCP mind control-gate

  74. ICCCP and M Jackson-gate

  75. Ice-gate

  76. Iceland-gate

  77. Islam-gate

  78. Janet Jackson Super Bowl-gate

  79. Jesus Paper-gate

  80. Kitten-gate

  81. Lizard-gate

  82. Kilimanjaro-gate

  83. Lost sock-gate

  84. Malaria-gate

  85. Manchurian candy-gate

  86. McIntyre is not treated with enough respect-gate

  87. Mega-mansion-gate

  88. Media-gate

  89. Met Office computer-gate

  90. Minotaur-gate

  91. Netherlands-gate

  92. Nosepicking-gate

  93. NASA/NCDC bad data-gate

  94. NASA fake email leak-gate

  95. NASA intentionally crash their own satellite-gate

  96. NASA booze and hookers-gate

  97. News-gate

  98. New Zealand-gate

  99. NOAA adjustment-gate

  100. NOAA/GISS data selection-gate

  101. NOAA/GISS do something with their data-gate

  102. NYT alarmism-gate

  103. Obesity-gate

  104. Outrageous-gate

  105. Overpeck-gate

  106. Oxbourgh-gate

  107. Pacman-gate

  108. Pachauri-gate

  109. Peer-review-gate 1

  110. Peer-review-gate 2

  111. Pig-gate

  112. Pokemon-gate

  113. Polar bear-gate

  114. Porn(hard)-gate

  115. Porn(soft)-gate

  116. Press-gate

  117. Prison-gate

  118. Propaganda-gate

  119. Rahmstorf-gate

  120. Reef-gate

  121. Reptilians from space-gate

  122. Revelle-gate

  123. Russia-gate

  124. Satanistic rites in ICCCP compound-gate

  125. Scam-gate

  126. Scandal in Bohemia-gate

  127. Sinatra-gate

  128. Solar-gate

  129. Soviet-gate

  130. Spears-gate

  131. Stationery-gate

  132. Stasi-gate

  133. Stern-gate

  134. Sting-gate

  135. Stop reading this now-gate

  136. Student dissertation-gate

  137. Surface stations-gate

  138. Teddy bear-gate

  139. Teletubbies-gate

  140. Terrorist-gate

  141. Thurman-gate

  142. Titanic sinking-gate

  143. Toad-gate

  144. Travolta-gate

  145. UNEP-gate

  146. Universe-gate

  147. UN natural disasters-gate

  148. UN supernatural disasters-gate

  149. Uncut toe nails-gate

  150. Ursus-gate

  151. Venus-gate

  152. Volcano ash plume-gate

  153. Watermelon-gate

  154. What the f**k-gate

  155. Whitewater-gate

  156. Wide waist Gore-gate

  157. Will it never end-gate

  158. World-gate

  159. X-box 360 gate

  160. Yamal-gate

  161. Zebra-gate


  1. The Friends of Science offer <a href=" b>more gates.</b></</a>

  2. BE apologises for the faulty html code.

  3. What a mess!

    It's only when you see it after an independent researcher lays it all out that the full impact hits you.

    Why are the press not beating down their wives to make a path to your door, Baron?

    Unless there's something else stopping them.

  4. Thanks.
    In particular Dutch-gate was useful, as that can be given three different names!

  5. Non nove sed nove:

    - Fat is gore.

  6. Colgate, Lion's Gate, Golden Gate, Dragon Gate, Quail's Gate, ...

  7. Dear Baron,

    Thank you so much for putting the gates in alphabetical order. It is this sort of precision and accessibility to data that makes blog science impeccable!

  8. The ignorance of these scandals in the public mind is itself a scandal. Perhaps it should be called gate-gate?

  9. Acccch Nein! Votabout zee hidethedeclinegate unt zee trickgate?

    Hans Stompfenstufe


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