
Tuesday 21 February 2012

Warning: The previous post was a fake

The previous post about the Heartlend Institute issuing an apology was a fake. I did not write it. Somebody else must have sneaked in while I had left my computer on and entered that horrible piece of trash. Those eco-fascist traffic lights - to green to yellow that they are red - stop at nothing before they have destroyed all of human civilization! But this shameless forgery will be the final nail in the rotten and worm-ridden coffin of the bloated global warming alarmist corpse! Ha!

I have this to say to the shameless person who perpetrated this crime.

Baron von Monckhofen views the malicious and fraudulent manner in which this Fake Post was put on his blog, as providing the basis for civil actions against those who put it there. Baron von Monckhofen  fully intends to pursue all possible actionable civil remedies to the fullest extent of the law.

Baron von Monckhofen  respectfully demands: (1) that the responsible person removes the Fake Post from Baron von Monckhofen 's web site; (2) that the same person remove from Baron von Monckhofen 's web site all posts that refer or relate in any manner to the Fake Post ; (3) that the same person removes from Baron von Monckhofen 's web site any and all quotations from the Fake Post; (4) that the same person publishes retractions on Baron von Monckhofen's web site of prior postings; and (5) that same person removes all such documents from Baron von Monckhofen's server.

One obvious suspect in the Heartlend Post Fakery case -- and this is just my speculation -- is one of my ex wifes, Olga. Olga is a committed alarmist rent-seeker who seems quite bitter.

Heartlend apologizes for deception

In an unexpected move today, the dear people at the Heartlend Institute followed the example of Peter Gleick and issued an apology to all of humankind for their many deceptions. Joseph Bust, the Heartlend Institute chair, declared:
I was deeply move by Peter Gleick's heartfelt apology and his expression of remorse. I have realized that it is time that also we at the Heartlend Institute consider the moral implications of our actions. When I look back at what we have been doing for many years, regarding the climate, the environment, smoking and so on, I feel deeply ashamed. Peter Gleick may have lied to one of our staffers in order to get those documents, but we have systematically been lying to all of humanity during all of our existence. So please, don't be angry with Gleick: it is us that you should be angry with. We beg on our bare knees for forgiveness for our anti-climate, anti-environment, anti-health and anti-science activities, and we promise that we will never do it again.
We also want to apologize to the IRS for falsely pretending to be a public charity. We are so sorry! Take all the money you want!