The InterAcademy Council has just delivered its report on the IPCC, and it doesn’t mince words with the abject failures and the blatant corruption that has been discovered. As a matter of fact, the report completely thrashes the notorious organization. There is no way the IPCC can spin themselves out of this one!
Let me quote from the most significant sections of the report:
Executive Summary
IPCC [is a] massive, far-flung […] network of […] governments […], represents a significant social[ist] innovation. (p v)
Yes indeed, the IPCC is like a giant octopus and its goal is to establish a socialist world government!
climate science […] is certain to remain a controversial arena for some time […] uncertainties […] continue to impede our […] understanding of global climate change. (p vi)
The scientists cannot agree about anything, and we really don’t know more about the climate than a mole rat knows about rocket science. It is hubris to think otherwise!
Chapter 1:
scientists […]confidence in climate science has waned (p 7)
More and more rats are leaving the sinking ship!
this heated political context is amplified by a frenzied and often polarizing […] climate science (p 9)
The climate scientists are just pursuing their hidden political agenda, and that agenda is a communist one!
Chapter 2:
Significant shortcomings in each major step of IPCC’s assessment process[!] (p 17)
Everything the IPCC does is wrong! They are the most incompetent organization in the history of mankind.
As pointed out to the Committee by a presenter and some questionnaire respondents, alternative views are not […] cited in a chapter if the Lead Authors do not agree with them. (p 20)
Only those who fanatically support the orthodoxy are allowed to be heard! It is an utter disgrace that an organization that claims to be scientific acts like that.
The overall structure of the IPCC assessment process appears to […]significant improvements are […] necessary for the fifth assessment and beyond. (p 26)Again, there just incredibly many things that are wrong with the IPCC process. It is so broken that it cannot be fixed.
Chapter 3
The IPCC uncertainty guidance […] was not […] followed in the fourth assessment, leading to […] errors. (p 36)
They don’t follow there own rules, ever! Even the mafia follow their own rules, for Christ’s sake! But the IPCC doesn’t. They are worse than the mafia.
Chapter 4:
Although a significant proportion of their time has been devoted to their chairmanship role, each of the three Chair incumbents to date has had significant professional responsibilities outside of the IPCC. (p 41)
A fish rots from the head down. This is exactly the kind of conflict of interests and corruption that I criticized in my previous post! I'm glad that the Council agrees with me.
Chapter 5:
In particular, the notion of a Wiki-style process was raised in presentations to the Committee and in responses to the questionnaire. A Wiki-style process is an electronic, webbased system in which the available literature on climate change can be uploaded, critically reviewed, and synthesized with previous information in near real time. (p 57)
Here they suggest that the IPCC should convert to blog science, the superior scientific paradigm! But instead of starting from scratch, why not simply use the excellent blog science blogs that I link to in the side bar? The people behind those blogs (Dr Anthony Whats, Prof Marc Morano, Prof Inferno, Dr Jo Nova, Dr Schweinsgruber) know more about climate science than all so-called IPCC authors together!
After such a devastating critique, it is absolutely necessary that Pachauri is fired and that all people involved in the previous reports are completely excluded from the IPCC process forever. Instead, only the most prominent blog scientists should be allowed to participate. And we should be paid substantial salaries to protect us from the corrupting influence of WWF and Greenpeace. Just to be on the safe side.
Commune naufragium dulce.
As the Daily Express reports, the report also states that "there is little evidence [for its claims about global warming]" (Chapter 3, p 36). This should become a favourite quote of all climate realists!